Faith Formation
Faith Formation
The Faith formation of students at St. Michael’s Catholic School is one of the most important differences that sets our school apart from the rest. The foundation of our school is built on our commitment to religious education. Religion is the center of our curriculum, and it is vital to our identity as a Catholic school. The objective of religious instruction is to teach our children the basic doctrines and traditions of our Catholic Faith.
Each school day begins with prayer, students attend Mass once a week, and study of our Faith is an integrated part of our school day.
The children practice daily religious instruction that explains the catechism to them while informing their behavior and their relationships with each other. We teach our children the virtues along with the knowledge that they are loved by God and we are called to love others.
Our students participate directly in the Liturgy of the Mass and pray at different times throughout the school day. Most importantly, they partake of the Sacraments which allow them to experience the beautiful mystery of God.
The Sacraments of Reconciliation take place in second grade. The Sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation takes place in third grade. Preparation for these sacraments is integrated into the curriculum.
At weekly Mass, the children learn to sing joyfully and pray with reverence. Mass is an opportunity to develop a perfect understanding of Christ’s love and cultivate a close relationship with God.
As you tour St. Michael’s Catholic School, you will see a living faith with nurturing relationships, positive learning environments, and sacred images of Christ and Our Lady along with Saints in our school. Each child is a unique child of God who is loved by God and has a personal relationship with Him.
- Prayer services
- Traditional celebrations
- Daily religion class
- Weekly Mass
- The Sacraments
- School Traditions
- Daily Advent Prayer Services
- All School Rosary on 1st Friday of the Month
- Living Stations of the Cross & Stations of the Cross during Lent
- Catholic Schools Week
- Christmas Music Program
- Service Projects